A Couple of Curries
Here is a photograph of some more curries I made last night from Vij's Elegant Inspired Indian Cuisine. Starting in the top left hand corner: Eggplant Tomato and Green Onion Curry, Beef Short Ribs in Cinnamon and Red-Wine Curry, Chapatti and Prawns in Coconut and Saffron Curry.
I substituted a mixture of halibut and prawns instead of straight prawns because the halibut cheeks just looked too good to resist. I forgot to take the photo until after we had eaten - hence the silly way all the food has been pushed into the corners of the dishes.
I feel obligated to talk a little about the chapatti. I used a chapatti flour and the finished flatbread looked nice, puffed beautifully during the cooking process, but the texture didn't seem perfect - a little grainy in a mealy kind of way. I will try another batch soon, and think I will substite 25% of the chapatti flour with all purpose flour. Has anyone else noticed this tendancy with the chapatti flour chapattis? Perhaps my chapatti flour is old?
I'm reading, cooking and sampling again tonight, but from a different book. Details tomorrow. Goodnight!
Everything here looks delicious, but I've got my eye on that eggplant tomato and green onion curry -- that truly looks magnifico. Oh, how I wish you were my neighbour! Maybe you can post a recipe one day?
Of course, I mean THE recipe!
Oh these look so good. The serving dishes even look good! Oh I'm trying to imagine the aromas...yum. I bet Mr. UB enjoyed all these warm foods.
Chapati flour, no I don't think of it as grainy. So you think it needed to be ground more at home? Is that possible? I thought chipati flour was brown whole wheat flour, only very finely ground. Maybe like all flours it comes in different grains. But I think of it as powder fine.
That food does look good, UB. Mmmm.
Goodness that looks delicious...
I know, its weird about the flour. I think mealy is the best word for it, kind of a fine gritty mouth feel. I'll play around abit and see what happens.
The Tomato and Eggplant dish is dead easy, and I will post it with my official blog book review that will come up in a couple of days. I am doing cookbook reviews for our CBC morning radio show on Wed. I've been cooking out of three books in twice as many days. It is a bit nutty around here with all sorts of mis-matched foods. I had lemon cake for a late breakfast, followed shortly thereafter by lemon-grass chicken noodle soup.
Thank goodness I will eat anything at any time of the day.
I think it depends on the flour doesn't it? My parents have wholemeal chapatti flour and that is wholesome - it's so long since I had ones made with white flour that I can't compare. You could sieve out some of the bran I suppose. It's also important to eat them straightaway as they turn into cardboard if left lying around too long. Have you tried stuffed parathas yet - yummy but they need a truckload of butter.
You've made me crave chapattis and dahl so I think I'd better go and visit the parentals this weekend.
simmy, good to have you visiting. It has been so good to be eating curries.
There is a recipe in this book, (that I have eaten at the restaurant) made of brussel sprouts, bacon and paneer. It is so good - even though I thought the brussel sprouts sounded a little weird, that is until I tasted it.
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